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  1. Thursday, May 16, 2024

  2. Friday, May 17, 2024

Artist Check-in: Emma Difani and Spencer Plumlee

Two artists from the Momentum Spotlight exhibition, currently on view as part of Elevate at 21c OKC, Emma Difani and Spencer Plumlee, share their thoughts about their work within the current moment, how social distancing has affected their practice, and advice to other artists during this difficult time.

Artist Check-In: Peregrine Honig

Kansas City artist Peregrine Honig shares about her work in the context of the current moment, how social distancing has affected her practice, advice for other artists, and what the community can do to help artists survive this difficult time.

Artist Check-In: John Brooks

Louisville-based artist, John Brooks shares his thoughts about his work in the current moment, how social distancing has affected his art practice, and advice for other artists and advice to the community.

Artist Check-In: Sandra Charles and James Robert Southard

Two artists featured in BallotBox, now on view at 21c Museum Hotel Louisville, share more about their work in the context of the current moment, how social distancing has affected their practice, advice to other artists, and what the community can do to help artists survive this difficult time.

Artist Check-In: Mia Cinelli

Lexington-based artist Mia Cinelli shares her reflections on the current moment, how social distancing and quarantine has affected her practice, advice for other artists, and how she cultivates community for herself and others during this time.