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  1. Saturday, September 14, 2024

  2. Sunday, September 15, 2024

Artist Check-in: Susanna Crum and Rodolfo Salgado

Louisville-based artists, Susanna Crum and Rodolfo Salgado, the founders and creative energy behind Calliope Arts Printmaking Studio and Gallery and River City Tintype,  answered our questions and shared more about their current (and on-going) projects—at home, in the garden, and on the road—and shared important ways the community can support the arts and advice for fellow artists in Louisville and beyond.

Artist Check-in: Lori Larusso

Louisville-based Lori Larusso shares what she is looking forward to this year, how people can continue to support artists in their communities, and what she has been reading and listening to.

Artist Check-In: Josh Azzarella and Tiffany Calvert

Louisville-based artists Josh Azzarella and Tiffany Calvert share more about the new projects they have been working on this past year, how they have adapted their studio practices over the years with multiple jobs and a kid, (and, now, more recently, in a pandemic), and how they are cultivating community for themselves and others.

Artist Check-in: Taylor Sanders

BallotBox artist Taylor Sanders shares what she is currently working on, advice for fellow artists during the pandemic, and how she is staying connected to a group of women who hold each other accountable for improvement.