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  1. Tuesday, February 18, 2025

  2. Wednesday, February 19, 2025

21c to Host University of Louisville Paleofuturism Symposium

21c Louisville is thrilled to host the University of Louisville’s Paleofuturism Symposium on MON 04.06.15 + TUES 04.07.15.

Paleofuturism is the study of past thinking about possible futures.  How did thinkers in the past imagine the technologies, lifestyles and ideas of the future?  How do these outmoded ideas affect and shape the present?  Join our speakers to discuss art, literature, theory, history and philosophy, taking stock of new critical histories and theories of technology, modernity and media archeologies.

Julian Murphet, University of New South Wales
Siegfried Zielinski, Universität der Künste Berlin, Institut für zeitbasierte Medien

Featured Guests
Charles Tung, Seattle University
Katy Price, Queen Mary, London
Kate Marshall, Notre Dame
Mark Goble, Berkeley
Justus Nieland, MSU
Brian Hochman, Georgetown
Aaron Worth, Boston University
Dana Luciano, Georgetown
Jen Fay, Vanderbilt
Ed Comentale, Indiana
Grant Wythoff, Harvard

Reading Lab, vol. 1.
A project of CCHS and the Department of English, UofL
in partnership with Rice University


Monday, April 6
10 AM – Noon: PANEL 1
Aaron Worth, Boston University – A Prehistory of Media Horror
Mark Mattes, University of Louisville – Media Theory in the Making: Manuscript Periodicals and the Politics of Media Shift
Charles Tung, Seattle University – Second Modernism and the Clock of the Long Now

2 – 4 PM: PANEL 2
Justus Nieland, Michigan State University – Management Cinema: Film, Design, and Communication at Aspen
Jen Fay, Vanderbilt University – Submergence Culture: Jia Zhangke’s Philopatric Cinema
Mark Goble, University of California, Berkeley – The Endless 1968 of Michelangelo Antonioni

6 – 7:30 PM: KEYNOTE 1
Siegfried Zielinski, Universität der Künste, Berlin; Institut für zeitbasierte Medien
POTENTIAL SPACES: Deep Time as a Concept for Mediating between the Past and the Present.

Tuesday, April 7
10 AM – Noon: PANEL 3
Katy Price, Queen Mary University of London – Media Prophecy in Everyday Life
Brian Hochman, Georgetown University – God’s Telephone (and How to Tap It)
Judith Roof, Rice University – Retropresentism

Noon – 1:30 PM: Lunch Break

1:30 – 3:30 PM: PANEL 4
Edward Comentale, Indiana University – Dirty, Depressing Phone Calls: David Foster Wallace and the Obsolescence of the Telephone/Novel
Grant Wythoff, Columbia University – Tinkering and Scientifiction in the Hugo Gernsback Magazines
Kate Marshall, Notre Dame University – Contemporary Fiction in Geological Time

4 – 5:30 PM: KEYNOTE 2
Julian Murphet, University of New South Wales
Scripts of Life: the Persistence of the Letter in the Genome

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