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4 Travel Health Tips for Road Warriors

Dreading a new year packed with work, travel and more work? Learn how to avoid stress and travel like a pro with advice from 21c Cincinnati Spa Manager Natasha Burns. Below, learn Natasha’s top 5 travel health tips to make easing into 2015 a little less arduous.

 1. Jet Lag Ritual is the way to go.
As one of the newest additions to our spa menu, the Jet Lag Ritual is designed for the business traveler in mind and comes in handy especially during the winter. The ritual begins with a full body exfoliation to rid the epidermis of dead skin cells that are more prevalent in the winter due to drier weather and our tendency to not moisturize as frequently as we do in summer months. After a full body scrub, you will experience an express massage ideal for combating uncomfortable plane rides that cause discomfort in your neck, back and shoulders. Finally, the treatment culminates with an express facial to help to slough off the dead skin from your face and brighten your appearance, which is just what a business traveler needs before that important presentation or meeting.

2. Drink Water. A lot of it. 
Always make sure you are drinking plenty of water. If grabbing a cocktail at the airport bar before a flight or on the plane, make sure to drink some water before and after. Traveling is very dehydrating, the effects of which can be felt throughout your entire body and can exacerbate jet lag. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water a day if not more.

3. Hygiene First: Bring your own pillow while traveling.
During long flights, catching a short nap is a welcomed way to make up for that 6am boarding time. Thus a small, but very important tip, because you never know if those airplane pillows are truly clean or not: bring your own pillow or use a silk scarf to cover an airplane pillow to avoid skin irritation.

4. Build some “me time” into your travel itinerary.
When traveling for business, always set aside some time for yourself. Plan ahead – if you know you have an hour, or even 45 minutes of free time, book a treatment prior to landing so you have something to look forward to and refresh yourself. At the Spa at 21c, we have a 30 minute in-and-out express treatment, as well as chair massage for a quick pick me up.

> Call 513.578.6603 to book a treatment today
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