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  1. Saturday, September 21, 2024

  2. Sunday, September 22, 2024

Keep the chill off of your face: Winter skincare tips from The Spa at 21c

Just because winter can be dull and lifeless doesn’t mean your skin has to suffer the same fate.  When we think of summer we think of dewy, glowing skin that is nourished by good old vitamin D.  When we think of winter we lean more toward dry, cracked skin that is murdered by old man winter.  We don’t have to take this anymore!

Natasha Burns, Spa Manager at 21c Museum Hotel Cincinnati, says that we can all have that beautiful, healthy, glowing skin all year long…if we take care of it properly. Burns notes that just because the heat and humidity are gone there is no need to stop replenishing your body with water.

“Always remember that just because it’s not as warm outside doesn’t mean you should ease up on your  water intake. Keeping hydrated is going to reflect in that healthy glow,” she says, adding, “also, sunscreen! Just because it is winter doesn’t mean the sun isn’t shining.”  Burns says that if you keep up with these skincare basics there is really no need to go out and buy all new products for the winter months, you can keep your routines basically the same.  She does recommend using an exfoliator one to two times per week, however, saying that changes in temperature and humidity can cause the skin to dry out faster.

All of the foods and stress that tend to arise during the holiday season can take its toll, so Burns says that treatments like the Glycolic Renewal Glow Facials at 21c’s spa can help to rejuvenate the skin when needed, giving it back its natural glow.  The Spa at 21c now uses ReVive Skincare products which incorporates Nobel Peace Prize winning technology. No, seriously, you read that right the first time.  ‘Tis the stuff of scientific magic.

If you are looking for something a little more in the ‘day-to-day’ maintenance route, Burns also offers up some of her winter essential skin tips:

–  Try switching to a creamy cleanser

–  Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!!

–  Remember that lips and hands become most effected by the change in elements. Try Revive’s Lip and Perioral Serum.

–  Drink water and stay hydrated


> To book an appointment call 513.578.6603

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